Market Study Review
Does your organization have 50 or a 100 or more market studies from multiple analysts awaiting review? Let us take on that daunting task for you.
We will identify the strengths and weaknesses of each market study, whether there is sufficient information in the study on which to base a funding decision, and if the proposed housing development appears marketable
based on the information in the study.
We independently confirm demand with the consistency that HISTA allows.
As both providers and reviewers of market studies, we have a thorough understanding of the issues and challenges that surround conducting housing market analyses. We bring this experience to the review process in order
to assess the quality and completeness of each study and provide a clear opinion of marketability based on the information provided. We have conducted reviews for several housing finance agencies over the years and recognize
the difficulties of sorting through numerous studies in a short period of time.
For more information, contact:
Julia LaVigne
Phone: 916-880-1644 or 970-366-4256