Without HISTA , you risk drastically miscalculating your market…

Without HISTA’s breakdown of households by tenure, income, household size and age it is extremely difficult to calculate demand for housing with any precision.

Here’s why:
  • Renters typically have lower income levels than homeowners

  • Housing programs with income limits have different eligibility levels for each household size

  • Renter rates vary by age group

Simply applying tenure rates and household size ratios to standard household income data will likely produce incorrect numbers for specific target groups. HISTA produces considerably more accurate results as it is based on an ACTUAL CROSS TABULATION of Census (ACS) data that breaks down this information at its source – it is NOT compiled using ratios and interpolations.

See how much the results can be skewed when not using HISTA:
(View chart to the right)

The chart show calculations based on the exact same source of data – ACS data. The HISTA numbers are from the ACS cross tabulation, the conventional numbers are ACS household income with ACS tenure and household size ratios applied.

The details:

  • HISTA is a custom four-way cross tabulation of household data designed specifically by housing market analysts for housing market analysis.

  • The basis for HISTA is a custom cross tabulation of ACS data prepared specifically for Ribbon Demographics by the US Census Bureau.

  • The finished product with current year estimates and five-year projections is built by Claritas, a leading provider of demographic data worldwide. Claritas’s team of demographic experts work hard to develop the most reliable numbers possible.

  • HISTA is available for Census Tracts, Census Places, ZIP Codes, Counties and CBSAs throughout the nation, allowing for a precise calculation of demand for specific areas.

  • HISTA is currently available for the years 2011-2015 average, 2023 and 2028

  • HISTA is only available through Ribbon Demographics.

    Also available – Claritas demographic data products customized for housing analysis

    For more information, contact:
    Julia LaVigne
    Phone: 916-880-1644 or 970-366-4256