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Ribbon Demographics offers state-of-the-art data and
market analysis for housing development.

Our proprietary specialized household data (HISTA) is the only source of the information needed to calculate demand for affordable and market-rate housing accurately. > LEARN MORE

We employ HISTA and a rigorous methodology to calculate demand for specific target markets for our clients. > LEARN MORE

Our third party market study review service provides a consistency that is difficult to attain from multiple analysts. > LEARN MORE

Our data and services are valuable for all
participants in the housing industry:
Market analysts and appraisers needing to calculate demand for housing from hard data - the need to estimate items such as renter rates and household size ratios is eliminated.
Governmental housing and finance agencies can base credit allocation decisions on consistent data, not varying methodologies. Our review services remove the burden of evaluating numerous market studies.
Financial institutions can base funding decisions on more accurate data with less risk of skewed demand estimates. Our analysis service assists with evaluating demand for challenging projects.
Developers can use HISTA to research potential sites and appropriate unit types in the early stages of site selection and housing design. Our area snapshots show the extent of demand.
Non-profits can use HISTA or our demand analysis service to identify areas with the greatest need for affordable housing programs.
Any multi-million dollar funding or investment decision
ought to be based on the best data available
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